convicts the造句

"convicts the"是什么意思   


  1. The jury convicted the accused man of theft and arson
  2. The question , your honor , is whether to convict the body or the mind
  3. The jury will not convict the person unless the proof is clear
  4. On convicting the act of taking away the property from a sealed entrusted thing
  5. The court also convicted the second defendant for his clear knowledge of the situation
  6. It's difficult to find convicts the in a sentence. 用convicts the造句挺难的
  7. The defendant pleaded guilty to and the court convicted the defendant of the common law charges only in relation to data force and boeki
  8. The court of first instance convicted the first three denfendants and acquitted the 33 - year - old man on december 14 , 2004 . sentences were meted out today ( january 4 )
  9. It was the second case in two months in which a " murder victim " has been found alive after police and judicial officials allegedly used torture and forced confessions to convict the suspected murderers
  10. Lord justice auld said that the case should be sent back to the magistrates with a direction to convict the mother , but with an indication that she should receive an absolute discharge in view of the time that had elapsed
  11. In sentencing , the judge pointed out that even though the three defendants had not confessed , the weight of evidence from many witnesses and documents had convicted the first defendant , who had not avoided the obvious conflict - of - interest in his relationship with a shareholder of the company
  12. This paper compares the legal regulations concerning the applicable conditions and the recognition of the crime and proposes : ( 1 ) the prerequisites should be extended to include the acts of robbery . snatch , and deception ; ( 2 ) the " violence " as an objective condition should be interpreted as the violent and forcing actions in robbery , while " on site " should be the site of the stealing , deception , or snatch , or the area involved in the crime with the site as the center ; ( 3 ) the connotation of the subjective condition " harboring the stolen goods , resisting an - eat , destroying criminal evidence " needs expansion ; ( 4 ) dual criteria should be adopted emphasizing on both the act and the consequence in distinguishing the completed crime and the criminal attempt ; and ( 5 ) in case of overlap of law and imaginary concurrence of crimes only by convicting the crime as theft , snatch , and deception can it be regarded as transformed robbery
    本文通过比较不同国家该罪的有关法律规定,对我国转化型抢劫罪的适用条件及法律认定问题进行分析,认为: ( 1 )前提条件应扩展为实施盗窃、抢夺、诈骗行为; ( 2 )客观条件中“暴力”应与抢劫罪中的暴力与胁迫行为作同样理解, “当场”应是实施盗窃、诈骗、抢夺行为的当场或以犯罪现场为中心、与犯罪分子活动有关的范围; ( 3 )主观条件中“窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕、毁灭罪证”的内涵应有所延伸; ( 4 )既遂与未遂的判定应采用既主张行为又注意结果的双重标准; ( 5 )在想象竞合或法条竞合时只有以盗窃、抢夺、诈骗罪论处方可转化为抢劫罪。
  13. In view of many defections both in theory and practice , the author feels it strongly necessary to make a further study here of from the angle of criminal law its innate character , present situation and identification . by associating with judicial practice , some measures of prevention and control are set forth on the basis of analyzing the cause of convicting the crime , which is to improve criminal law . simultaneously , the author tries to help people deepen the acknowledgement of thiscrime , and offers some assistance to deal with it , as well as furnishing ideas and contingency to upgrade the legistation of tax charge and administration


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